Hi class. This'll be a short one
i) I tink we organise the chalet after the EOY exam k?
ii) Someone reorganise the layout of the blog leh
gd luck 4 exams!
Hi guys and gals out there! Some things about the chalet. I wanna make a
FINAL call to all those out there already.
Things to take note of1) People going to the chalet
2) Which chalet
3) Catering?
4) Adults? o.O
5) Schedule
Ok. So
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE e-mail this all to me ASAP ok? My MSN is
teenprob93@hotmail.com I wanna conduct this ASAP without any more "disturbances"
That will be all. Thanks!
~zhengyu ^^
yoz~ thrus i realli had a lot of fum sias. n congrats tuu guys... cuz mani of dem grow tall le! n sum bcum more handsum le... gd!!!~ diao... mii so lame... but i still hav tuu sae... I LUV U GUYS!!! lols. anw... end of yr got chalet anot arhh? or is bbq? mii prefer chalet loh... cuz got more time tuu b 2gether wif u guys... so zhengyu or fangqi... hu is going tuu organise it?
Jiaen~~ fren4eva